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Internal Rules

nos objectifs
About us

Created for children between 2 to 10 years old, our school offers them the possibility to learn with serenity in a Montessori AMI pedagogical framework, without any level requirement.

We accept precocious children or children with special needs and rights, as long as our educational team agrees with the family on the educational objectives as well as on the external care. Our aim is to help the children develop according to their own potential and to learn in peace. If there is any doubt regarding the adaptation of a pupil, we give ourselves the possibility of proposing to the parents a test and adaptation period of 2 weeks.

Each class is taught by a team of French, English (and sometimes Spanish) speaking teachers. Our teachers and assistants are trained by the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). For the 6/8-year-olds, we give ourselves the possibility of integrating a teacher from the French National Education system, trained in Montessori pedagogy, experienced with children in cycle 3 and willing to accompany them on ecological and humanitarian projects.


Entry in the International Montessori School is the result of a double choice: the choice of the school and its pedagogy by the family, and the choice of the family by the School. This double choice is the basis of the relationship between the School and the families. It implies the adherence to the pedagogical project of the Montessori School and to the present rules.

To accompany your children during the school year and to allow a better global coherence, we invite you to read Maria Montessori's books "The Child" and "The Absorbing Spirit".

The enrolment is final when all documents and payments are up to date and after a first interview with the child and his/her parents.

You will be invited to a pedagogical meeting, during the first week of school in September, to present the Montessori pedagogy, the school project and the organization of the school year. Your presence is compulsory. This meeting lasts about 1h30.



In France, school attendance is compulsory from the age of 3. It is important for the integration of your child to have an assiduous presence in class. We ask you to justify any absence or lateness by email. Any unjustified absence of more than 4 days may be reported to the Rectorat.

Absence and illness of a child

The school cannot accept a child who is ill, has a fever or is carrying a contagious disease. We can only give medicine to a child if the parents request it in writing and attach a copy of the doctor's prescription. The school is required to maintain an up-to-date attendance register and record absences each half day. In the interests of the children, we ask families to send an email as soon as possible to report a child's absence, and to confirm their return by email as well. In the event of temporary or long-term inability to take part in physical education and sport, a dispensation from sport will be drawn up by a doctor.

• If a child has a homeopathic treatment to follow in class, the rules are as follows: an email is sent to the administration, the homeopathic medicine is stored in a dedicated hermetic box. The box should contain the doctor’s prescription and be marked with the child's name before being given to the teacher in charge of the class or at reception.

• If a case of head lice is reported in the school, we will ask all families to carry out a preventive treatment, and the family concerned to take the necessary steps over a period of 2 to 3 weeks. A child with lice may be temporarily refused admission.

• COVID 19: the national health protocol is applied as well as the resulting rules regarding the presence of a child or his/her family on the school premises.


Health check-up

In France, two health check-ups are compulsory during nursery and primary school. The first must take place in the child's sixth year, and the second in the ninth year. We are responsible for ensuring this medical follow-up. We therefore ask families to have these visits carried out by a doctor and to provide the school with a medical certificate attesting that the check-up mentioned has been carried out by a health professional. The 6-year-old check-up is particularly important as it includes the early identification of signs that may lead to later learning difficulties: visual, hearing and language problems. Compulsory vaccinations: Vaccinations are compulsory in France, especially when enrolling in school. Therefore, we ask families to provide us with an up-to-date photocopy of their vaccination booklet at the beginning of each year. In case of non-vaccination, a certificate of medical contraindication is required.

Communication with families and follow-up

The International Montessori School promotes communication between parents and educators, based on shared trust and mutual respect, in the name of the child's well-being. We offer several pedagogical meetings, workshops and parties to present you the projects, the classes, our pedagogy, the Montessori material, and to favour exchanges and ensure a good mutual communication.You will meet your child's educators or the pedagogical director during an individual meeting, at least once a year. You can also request an appointment with the team.

The teaching team meets regularly to discuss the organisation of work in class but also the needs or difficulties encountered by individual children. The school plays a crucial role in the life of the child and we do everything possible to ensure that the child's development is encouraged.

A child with specific needs will have to be accompanied by the team, parents and external professionals to ensure optimal follow-up. An adapted timetable may be offered to the parents according to the child's needs.



From the 3-6 class onwards, the children's progress and activities are recorded on "Transparent Classroom". This allows parents to follow their child's work and to become familiar with the Montessori programme and its objectives.

Elementary class evaluation

We will provide you with a written evaluation 3 times a year. Twice a year we organise individual meetings of about 25 minutes to review your child's well-being and progress, allowing you to understand the evolution, learning and maturity of your child.

Admission into french education national elementary 

Every child who wishes to (re-)enter a French Education Nationale elementary school will have to pass an entrance exam. The International Montessori School is committed to preparing all children at the CM2 level for this entrance exam.

Rights, duties and responsibilties

Respect is paramount in all human relationships. The Montessori pedagogy gives the child the freedom to choose, to organise himself in space and in his work. This implies respecting the space and the needs of the group as well as the accompanying adults. This freedom is based on respect and responsibility.

We therefore expect each parent to behave in the same way towards their children, each other's children and the teaching staff.

We want to respect our school, keep it clean and take care of it. It is important to us that the children respect the Montessori material, the furniture and their environment as a whole. Parents are responsible for the replacement or purchase of materials in the event of damage (this can be covered by your school insurance).

By making children aware of the need to protect the planet and the environment, we teach them to respect themselves and to become aware of the role of each individual.


Secularism and living together

Our school respects the principles of living together, secularism and pluralism and the resulting duty of tolerance and respect for the personality and beliefs of others. As an international school, welcoming children from all continents, these principles are fundamental to us and we expect the same respect from all families.


The educational team is prohibited from using any behaviour, gesture or word that would show indifference or contempt towards the pupil or his/her family, or that would be likely to hurt the children's feelings.

Similarly, pupils and their families must refrain from any behaviour, gesture or word that would undermine the role or the person of the teacher and the respect due to their fellow pupils or their families. No deviation will be tolerated.

A child who believes that he/she has the right to settle a dispute by violence will first have to apologise. It will be explained to him/her that he/she should sit down calmly with the pupil with whom he/she has had a problem to explain and find a solution. A child who is momentarily difficult may be isolated for as long as it takes for him/her to calm down and behave in a way that is compatible with the life of the group.

However, if the behaviour of a child or family seriously and persistently disrupts the functioning of the class or the harmony of the community, and reflects a maladjustment to the school environment or a profound disagreement with the values of the International Montessori School, the situation of this child or family will be submitted to the examination of the educational team and the management. As a private school, the Management reserves the right to decide if a child remains in school or not.

Health and safety

• Please do not enter the school with your phone in your hand, limit or turn off your ringtone, and be available to greet and say goodbye to your child.

• All our paints and cleaning products are organic and natural, to ensure the health of your children (except in case of a COVID 19 pandemic).

• The International Montessori School follows the health protocol and practical arrangements of the Ministry of Education in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic.

• This may have implications for timetables, childcare and classroom operations.

• In accordance with school regulations, we carry out fire safety drills every year and our school complies with safety and accessibility standards for people with reduced mobility.


Supervision and handing over of pupils to families

Pupils must leave the school premises with their parent, or a person authorised to collect their child according to the list, pre-filled at the time of registration. No child will be allowed to leave without written authorization from the parents.

Transition from one class to another

The transition from the kindergarten to the 6-9 elementary as well as from the 2-3 class to the 3-6 class is done when the child is ready, has acquired the necessary maturity and on the advice of the educational team.

Additional points

• Pacifiers are not accepted in the 3-6 class for reasons of hygiene, as there is a risk of children exchanging them. Similarly, children are not allowed to bring their toys to school. Transitional objects (teddy bears, cuddly toys, handkerchiefs, etc.) do not fall into this category.

• Clothing: To make it easier for us to deal with misplaced clothing, we strongly recommend that you mark all of your child's belongings with their name. Children do not always recognise their belongings. A list of supplies to be brought by the child at the start of the school year will be given to you.

• Finally, do not forget to confirm any change of address, family situation or particular events. This information is particularly important to us in the event of an "emergency".


Children enrolled full-time or staying until 12.45pm bring their own lunch. We recommend a few raw vegetables, a meal to be heated on the spot or in a thermos, accompanied by a fruit and a dairy product. Please note the name of your child on the containers, the lunch box as well as the yoghurt, fruit, etc.

All meals must be accompanied by a cooler pack. Please provide a clean cotton napkin with your child's name on it in the lunch box.


Please dress your child comfortably and appropriately for indoor and outdoor school activities. We endeavour to use washable paints; however, if you encounter a stubborn stain, please report it.A complete clean set of clothes and a plastic bag marked with the child's name is required for all children. When the set has been used, please replace it.

All your child's belongings must be labelled with his/her name.

Reception and Parking

In accordance with Vigipirate security measures, we ask you to park at the bottom of the school road and not to linger in front of the access doors while dropping off or picking up your children.

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